Intermediate: How to Integrate Huawei Analytics kit in Flutter (Cross platform)
Flutter Analytics Plugin provides wider range of predefined analytics models to get more insight into your application users, products, and content. With this insight, you can prepare data-driven approach to market your apps and optimize your products based on the analytics.
Flutter Analytics Plugin provides wider range of predefined analytics models to get more insight into your application users, products, and content. With this insight, you can prepare data-driven approach to market your apps and optimize your products based on the analytics.
With Analytics Kit’s on-device data collection SDK, you can:
- Collect and report custom events.
- Set a maximum of 25 user attributes.
- Automate event collection and session calculation.
- Pre-set event IDs and parameters.
1. Devices:
a. Analytics Kit depends on HMS Core (APK) to automatically collect the following events: INSTALLAPP (app installation), UNINSTALLAPP (app uninstallation), CLEARNOTIFICATION (data deletion), INAPPPURCHASE (in-app purchase), RequestAd (ad request), DisplayAd (ad display), ClickAd (ad tapping), ObtainAdAward (ad award claiming), SIGNIN (sign-in), and SIGNOUT (sign-out). These events cannot be automatically collected on third-party devices where HMS Core (APK) is not installed (including but not limited to OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, Samsung, and OnePlus).
b. Analytics Kit does not work on iOS devices.
2. Number of events:
A maximum of 500 events are supported.
3. Number of event parameters:
You can define a maximum of 25 parameters for each event, and a maximum of 100 event parameters for each project.
4. Supported countries/regions
The service is now available only in the countries/regions listed in Supported Countries/Regions.
Integration process
- Create flutter project
Step 2: Add the App level gradle dependencies. Choose inside project Android > app > build.gradle
Add root level gradle dependencies
Add app level gradle dependencies
Step 3: Add the below permissions in Android Manifest file.
Step 4: Flutter plugin for Huawei analytics kit.
Unzip downloaded plugin in the parent directory of the project.
Step 5: Declare plugin path in pubspec.yaml file under dependencies.
Step 5 : Create a project in AppGallery Connect.
Tricks and Tips
- Make sure that downloaded plugin is added in specified directory.
- Makes sure that agconnect-services.json file added.
- Make sure dependencies are added yaml file.
- Run flutter pug get after adding dependencies.
- Enable debug mode using following command adb shell setprop package_name
- Generating SHA-256 certificate fingerprint in android studio and configure in Ag-connect.
In this article, we have learnt how to integrate Huawei Analytics Kit into Flutter QuizApp, which lets you to app analytics like users, predefined events and Custom events in the Ag-connect.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope this article helps you to understand the Huawei Analytics Kit in flutter.